Blazing Trails — Interdigital Whitetail Deer Gland Lure
Blazing Trails — Interdigital Whitetail Deer Gland Lure
Ever wonder why you see white-tailed deer trails? Well, it comes from the interdigital gland located between the hooves of the front and back legs of a buck or doe. A buck uses it as a GPS by secreting this gland to mark territory and a doe uses it for her fawns.
A lot of times people will think a fawn is abandoned by it's mother but it's not. By secreting the interdigital glands she knows exactly where she has hidden her young.
Use Blazing Trails on drag lines, and mock scrapes or scrapes you find. Also use in conjunction with The Boss™, Full Throttle™ and Eye Dentity™ for a powerhouse blend.